Saturday, March 21, 2009


Unknown said...

Cool pics! Sooo excited for you! We are praying daily for you & Lil' Grace! ~kendle&carmen

Wendy Lawson said...

The guy in the background is freaking me out! You should have seen the movie, "Taken", before yo left - that guy probably sees MONSANTO written big and bold across David's shirt and knows his company will pay big bucks to get you both back - RUN......! It ALL looks surreal - are you cold? They look much more bundled up than you do! Is is their winter now or is that just the haze you talk about? The "colors" around look wintery! I have seen the kids almost everyday! They are doing great! They think it is so weird that when they are relaxing and watching TV that you both are sound asleep in a new day. We don't even know "if" we will see the next day, and you both are already in it!! How amazing! Right this minute for you, you are probably waking up and getting ready for that early flight! I have just finished making supper for tonight! Ya'll both look refreshed and wonderful - you both just GLOW! We are breathlessly awaiting anything you can tell us or show us - we are all living vicariously through YOU! I love you so so so so so much, and I can't wait to be an Aunt (Lovie) AGAIN! Love you! Big Sis

Wendy Lawson said...

So sorry for those two typos in my previous comment - you know that freaks ME out! Love you!